Oilfield Supply, Distribution and Installations

The oil filed supply, distribution and installation shall be mainly focused on the following sectors:

KUWAIT OIL CO (KOC): KOC is involved in exploration and development of crude oil. The company owns approximately 1200 wells, 29 gathering centers. It is expected to reach 1600 wells in 2019.

KUWAIT NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION (KNPC): KNPC owns 3 refineries in Kuwait. The production capacity of KNPC is 800,000 barrels per day. The size of maintenance business of KNPC is about KD380-400 million.

Area of operation:

  • Mina Ahmadi
  • Mina Shuiaba
  • Mina Abdullah

Other major petroleum industries are

  • Petrochemical Industries Company
  • Kuwait Gulf Oil
  • Saudi Chevron Inc. (Joined operation of Kuwait & Saudi Arabia)
  • Kuwait Gulf Oil Co. : The company is engaged in offshore drilling and joint operations.